Elizabeth Warren: A Fighting Chance
Elizabeth Warren may not be running for president in 2016, but she's been running on an important progressive message on economics ever since she became a Democrat.
Elizabeth Warren's new book was just released and it's called: A Fighting Chance. I urge you wholeheartedly to buy this book. She's a shining example of the kind of progressive that we need in the House, Senate and the White House.
If there's one lesson I'm getting out of the new Elizabeth Warren book, A Fighting Chance, so far, it's that the system is rigged-- fixed against ordinary Americas to favor economic and political elites. "Economic and political elites"... where is the line that even differentiates them these days? In an essay Bob Borosage wrote for Truthout, Corporate Tax Breaks: How Congress Rigs The Rules, he starts with a quote from Warren:
The game is rigged and the American people know that. They get it right down to their toes.
Most people may roll their eyes when they hear a phrase like "tax extenders." They're meant to. But they shouldn't. Last March we did a two part series on how Congress favors the wealthy through tax policies like the ones Borosage is writing about-- Part I and Part II. The stench of corruption is inescapable-- and it starts with the politicians we elect and the campaign finance system we permit. "This week," writes Borosage, "the House Ways and Means Committee is poised to demonstrate exactly how the rules are rigged.
On Tuesday, the committee will begin to mark up a series of corporate tax breaks-- known as “extenders” because they have been extended regularly every year or two for over a decade. Only now the committee plans to make many of them permanent, at the cost of an estimated $300 billion over 10 years. And it does not plan to pay for them by closing other corporate loopholes or raising rates. The giveaway-- almost all of which goes to corporations-- will simply add to the deficit, no doubt fueling the later demands of those who vote for them for deeper cuts in programs for the vulnerable in order to bring 'spending' under control."...read on
Elizabeth Warren may not be running for president in 2016, but she's been running on an important progressive message on economics ever since she became a Democrat and we need to amplify it as well as elect more like her into office. And our Blue America PAC is fighting hard for those same reasons.