Erik Erickson Claims 'War On Masculinity' Caused UCSB Rampage

Conservative Erik Erickson's masculinity is obviously so threatened by the left that he blamed the UCSB tragedy on a "war on masculinity.' You really can't make this stuff up.

Of all the ludicrous thoughts about Elliot Rodger's rampage in Santa Barbara that Conservative hucksters have been sharing with us since it happened, Erik Erickson's ranks right up there with the dumbest of the dumb.

And that's saying something.

Another young man has turned to violence. Stabbing some and shooting others, he wanted to exact revenge for some rejecting him.

In a “war on women” culture, some vocal voices have seized on this as what happens to men questing for a fully masculine culture. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Best we can tell, Elliot Rodger lived the very lifestyle the cultural left thinks men should live and that is regularly glorified on the silver screen. For all the talk of a “War on Women,” there has actually been a war on masculinity for a few decades. And more and more twenty-something young men are getting lost and acting out while society tries to find something new to replace the tried and true. Society used to expect men to open doors, protect their families, and be champions of modesty and virtue. But chivalry is dead

Why do conservatives, especially the hard core Christianists, feel so emasculated by the thought of giving equal rights and equal pay to women? I don't know about Erickson, but of all the dates I've been on, women have always appreciated it when I've acted in a courteous manner. And what does that have to do with anything when we talk about women's rights? You can always expect conservatives to boil anything down into the lowest common denominator possible.

The always laughable Jim Hoft even equated Elliot Rodger to President Obama in an update:

Interestingly, the shooter was similar to President Obama in that he was half white. His mother is Asian. For some reason though, to Progressives, Obama is Black but the UCSB Virgin shooter is White. #DoubleStandard #ProgressivePrivilege

Yes, the massacre was Obama's fault too because of his half blackness.

Oh, and Benghazi.

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