Extremist Pat Robertson Decries 'Radicals On The Right'

Pat Robertson isn't as upset about right wing radicals as he is about losing elections.

I guess Pat Robertson's "fans" don't really care when he calls them radicals, but you'd think they might take a little offense at this:

Today, the 700 Club host warned that the party is facing a takeover by “radicals on the right” who will nominate candidates who “aren’t capable of beating the Democrats.”

Of course, the Religious Right movement spearheaded by televangelists like Robertson has been one of the forces moving the GOP toward the conservative fringe.

And they've gotten lots of funding from fans of the lunatic fringe. The merger of the insane religious right with screwy libertarians is complete, with tons of Koch affiliate funds moving in their direction for the midterms.

Robertson isn't bothered by radicals. He's bothered because Republicans lose elections. Hint for Robertson: Consider the possibility that Republicans lose because their policy ideas suck.

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