Glenn Beck: Eating Filet Mignon With Villagers Is Just Like Rape

No hyperbole escapes Glenn Beck, who really hated the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Poor, poor Glenn Beck. It was such a burden for him to have some petit filet mignon and crab cakes with Washington DC Villagers that he came away feeling....raped.

Right Wing Watch:

Beck also said he went to the White House Correspondents Dinner once but will never return: “My wife and I left and said, should we go and take a shower because I feel like I’ve just been raped.”

“It’s an awful, awful experience, filled with just some of the worst people ever assembled in one building.”

Oh! Poor baby. Does anyone feel like his reaction is just a tiny bit out of proportion here? How is hobnobbing with the DC glitterati anything like forcible, uninvited, violent sex? I don't think I have to launch into a diatribe of how wrong that is to make the point, do I?

I guess he didn't care for the Biden/Julia Louis-Dreyfus video either. Because Nazis.

He proceeded to discuss a clip from the video in which Louis-Dreyfus and Biden walk in on Pelosi — whom Beck mocks as wearing “a giant clown jumpsuit” — in a tattoo parlor. “Why are they getting tattoos?” Beck asked. “Don’t they know that they’re the ones that are going to be running the camps? They don’t get the tattoos, they give the tattoos,” he said, alluding to the tattoos that prisoners were given at Nazi concentration camps.

I think Glenny's just pissed because he didn't get a mention from President Obama.

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