John McCain On History Channel: 'Bad Economies Give Rise To Extremist Organizations'

John McCain's reasons why the rise of Adolph Hitler occurred seems to correlate perfectly with the rise of America's new extremist party.

John McCain was pundit on the History Channel's new miniseries called "The World Wars," and he gave an opinion on how Adolf Hitler was able to rise to power so quickly after the disastrous Treaty of Versailles was signed. The peace agreement was so awful that it helped destroy the German economy and raised Germany's resentment level to eleven against the world and their own government.

These resentments coupled with a depressed economy fueled Hitler's ascendancy into power along with his new political party. McCain's observations about why extremists like the Nazi party rose into power also explains the rise of the Tea Party and all the militia movement factions in 2009 after Obama was elected.

McCain: You find in history that when the economy is terrible, it gives rise to all kinds of different extremist organizations.

The global financial meltdown did cause our economy to crash and burn in 2008. President Obama was then elected into the oval office and these two incidents gave birth to very extreme organizations like the Tea Party.

I bet Senator McCain would privately agree with my assessment.

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