Karl Rove Backs Off Hillary Brain Damage Comment, Attacks Illness And Her Age Instead
Once a ratfucker, always a ratfucker!
Karl Rove, the heir apparent to Lee Atwater, who has a history of ratf*cking political opponents is now trying to say he never used the phrase "brain damage' when discussing Hillary Clinton at an LA Speaking event last week, but only pointed out that she had serious health issues. He joined his home network, Fox News and refuted the claims made from Rupert Murdoch's tabloid NY Post. But did he really? He repeated used the term "serious health episode," over and over again while talking to host Bill Hemmer and them immediately pivoted on to smear her because of her age.
Hemmer: Let me just set the stage for our viewers This was at an event in Los Angeles, you were featured there with Robert Gibbs. and how did this comment come up suggesting Hillary Clinton may suffer from brain damage? Where'd that come from?
Rove: No. no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait a minute, no. I didn't say she had brain damage. She had a serious health episode and my point was from the 7th of December from 2012, through the 7th of January of 2013, she underwent, first she had apparently a serious virus, they announced then on the 15th of December that she had some period in the past week fallen, they didn't say when, they didn't say where. She was recovering at home.
From the 30th of December she goes in and it turns out she has a blood clot, they won't say where. The next day they say between her skull and her brain behind her right ear. She's in the hospital for four days She goes home, she's back in the office on the 7th, and testifies on the 25th, wearing special glasses to deal with double vision....
My point was that if Hillary Clinton wants to run for President, but she would not be human if this didn't enter in as a consideration...and, and, and my other point is this will be an issue in the 2016 race whether she likes it or not. Every presidential candidate is asked for all of their health records by the NY Times, they turn them over to a Vice presidential candidates, turn them over to a battery of doctors and they examine them in detail.
In the NY Post, it says he told the crowd that she was in the hospital for a month which is obviously a lie. And if Hillary is going to turn her health records over anyway, then why is he bringing up her injuries now? To implant the talking point into the conservative media that she is brain damaged. They don't need facts to support those allegations at all as we've seen with every other Republican conspiracy under President Obama, but the constant drum of their echo chamber may get it the air time in the main stream media that he craves. Now comes his advanced age attacks.
Rove: My point was, everyone says she's going to run, and she probably is. I would bet it's a more complicated calculation then we might think because, look, she'll be 69 by the time the 2016 elections. She will be 77 if she serves two terms and this ends up being an issue. I would remind you, John McCain, here's the headline from US News and World Report; McCain's age and past health problems could be an issue..this happens in every presidential campaign.
Hemmer: via the NY Post, "Karl Rove stunned a conference when he suggested Hillary Clinton might have brain damage." Is that true?
Rove: No I never used that that phrase, but look she had a serious episode, serious health episode. I don't know about you, but if you go through a serious health episode it causes you to look at life a little differently. and this was a serious deal. She's got a serious illness putting her in the hospital we don't know what the doctors said about what she has to be concerned about. We don't know, she's hidden a lot of this and my point is when you run for president...<-interrupted>
He then tries to answer the 30 day hospital stay lie by saying she spent a month battling her assorted ailments.
Hemmer: I understand the point you're making, but when she reappeared at the hearings, she had those thick glasses on, it quotes you as saying thirty days in the hospital, question mark. And she reappears she's wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury. Is that true? Our research says she was in the hospital fro three days and I'm just trying to figure out...what he accuracy was there.
Rove: She goes in on a Sunday, she comes out on a Wednesday, but this is a thirty day period where she's fighting something. She runs back with a virus.. on the tenth they announce she is postponing a trip to the middle east. That's a Monday. On a Tuesday they announce she's cancelling it and it is on the following Saturday that she's got so dehydrated that she has fallen and hit her head.
Hemmer: You're clearly raising question about what happened.
Why did Rove lie about the thirty day hospital stay? To embellish her health issues from that period. He deftly pivots and makes believe he meant it was thirty days that she fought various issues.
Rove has the nerve to use John McCain, who in the 2000 primary smeared him as horribly as is humanly possible to play the "age" card.
Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain…if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?”This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.
Karl Rove learned from his Richard Nixon days how to ratf*ck his opponents, (political sabotage) which was coined by Donald Segretti in his years connectd to the Committee to Re-elect the President (Nixon):
Segretti famously coined the term 'ratfucking' for recruiting conservative members to infiltrate opposition groups (and/or misrepresent them through false flag activities) in order to undermine the effectiveness of such opposition.[1]
All you have to do is plant the idea into the media of something nefarious and let them go to work on it.
Didn't Karl Rove see Hillary testify to the Senate hearing on Benghazi? No sign of brain damage. Has her speech been impaired? No, but what does he care. I'm sure there will be follow ups to this in The Daily Caller and other wingnut outfits. "What is Hillary Hiding?" "Why Won't Her Doctors Comment on Her Health? You get the point.
This is the type of crap Hillary will be facing if she does run for the presidency.
Remember, Karl Rove was linked to Watergate and then interviewed by Poppa Bush about it. (Source material from our book, Over The Cliff):
Karl Rove had been elected chief executive of the College Republicans in 1972, a skinny kid with lamb-chop sideburns, but he jumped into the job with relish, leading seminars in teaching young right-wingers wingers how to indulge in dirty campaign tactics. This led to a brief role in the Watergate affair, after the Washington Post reported on his seminars with a story headlined “GOP Party Probes Official as Teacher of Dirty Tricks,” leading to a brief investigation ordered by then-Republican National Committee chair George H.W. Bush, who in short order cleared him of wrongdoing. Rove remained associated with the Bush family thereafter.