Let's All Ask Karl Rove About Jack Kemp's Eleven Concussions

Karl Rove's ridiculous smear campaign against Hillary Clinton over concussion raises an interesting question about his support for Jack Kemp.

I'm shocked -- SHOCKED -- that Karl Rove and his Fox pals have a double standard when it comes to whether politicians who suffer concussions are still capable of holding higher office.

In 2005, Jack Kemp did a radio interview just ahead of the Super Bowl interview to FreedomWorks where he said this:

SFM/KORL: Don’t give me that. You went from being a negotiator, being a player, to 18 years in Congress, and everybody thinks when you need a football player in the White House, give me a break, you’re the one.

JK: After eleven concussions in pro football, there was nothing left to do but run for Congress.

Yes, that would be eleven concussions suffered by Jack Kemp before he decided to run for Congress. When asked about it on Twitter, Rove was silent:

I haven't heard one single Republican mention Jack Kemp, but he is nearly as much of a conservative hero as Saint Ronnie. Where was Karl Rove in 1996 when Kemp was the Vice Presidential nominee? Where was he in 1988 when Kemp ran for President? Was anyone whispering about whether a guy who had suffered eleven concussions was capable of leading the nation?

Funny how that works.

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