Louis Gohmert Equates Gay Rights Activists To Nazis

See, if you were truly tolerant, being a hateful bigot is no big deal, especially when those beliefs hurt people significantly. And if you fight against his bigotry then you are a Nazi.

Rep. Louis Gohmert is know for his sophomoric rants on the House floor and in interviews since he dwells in a safe republican district, but that's no excuse to hurl an "N" bomb against the gays.

Tom Kludt:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) does, so he took to the House floor on Friday afternoon to offer a Third Reich comparison that was bizarre even for Third Reich comparisons.

So, who's resembling the Nazis now? It's the gay rights advocates, of course.

After he said that Christians really "love homosexuals," Gohmert channeled Martin Niemöller while lamenting the persecution of gay marriage opponents.

So it is amazing that in the name of liberality, in the name of being tolerant, this fascist intolerance has arisen. People that stand up and say, you know, I agree with the majority of Americans, I agree with Moses and Jesus that marriage was a man and a woman, now all of a sudden, people like me are considered haters, hate mongers, evil, which really is exactly what we've seen throughout our history as going back to the days of the Nazi takeover in Europe. What did they do?

First, they would call people "haters" and "evil" and build up disdain for those people who held those opinions or religious views or religious heritage. And then the next came, well, those people are so evil and hateful, let's bring every book that they've written or has to do with them and let's start burning the books, because we can't tolerate their intolerance.

Even though the bible spends almost zero time on the gays, religious conservatives use it as their be-all fighting against gay rights. Rep. Gohmert is so mixed up that a person might think he's a conservative comic trying to be funny. See, if you were truly tolerant, being a hateful bigot is no big deal, especially when those beliefs hurt people significantly. And if you fight against his bigotry then you are a Nazi. it all makes sense now.

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