Marco Rubio Practices The Dark Art Of Republican Projection

Marco Rubio is still pretending he's a serious contender for the 2016 nomination.

It's so precious when Republicans play the game of "I know you are, but what am I?" on Faux News. Marco Rubio played right into Roger Ailes' we-are-all-victims strategy with his comments on Hannity's show last night.

Crying about the Affordable Care Act yet again, Rubio said, “They view the country as children, and that they have the medicine that we need to take to make us better, even if we don’t like it, and so even if they have to lie to us about what we’re taking, even if they have to lie to us about how it would work, they’re gonna make us do it because they know what’s right for us better than we know what’s right for us […] They won’t level with the American people because, if they did, they could never gain our support.”

Yeah, sort of like those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Or torture. Or just about every single agenda item on their plate.

Here's a little walk down Republican Projection Memory Lane, just for giggles:

Atwater had a young protégé, Karl Rove, who perfected the Republican Politics of Projection during George W. Bush’s presidency. Thus, for example, we had Bush administration officialsapproving and abetting the kidnapping and torture of suspects and the illegal warrantless wiretapping of Americans, then turning around and accusing those who criticized such actions of “hypocrisy” and being “out of bounds”.

Today, the Republican Politics of Projection continues in full force. Republicans in Congress vote for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget that would end Medicare as we know it, then raise phony objections about Democrats “cutting Medicare” when the Affordable Care Act cut funds from a private program called Medicare Advantage that is not part of the actual Medicare benefit. Likewise, Republicans raise the spurious charge of “voter fraud” in order to commit the true voter fraud of vote suppression via unreasonable and unfair voter i.d. laws. Or how about when Republicans carp about Democratic-appointed or “activist” judges who “legislate from the bench”, when it is the Republican-appointed, so-called “conservative” judges who do this, such as in the infamous Bush v. Gore and Citizens United cases, with Republican approval. If New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were running for president today, Republicans would probably call President Obama fat.

On that last point? Wait for it.

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