Michelle Obama Asks Students To Speak Up Against Old Prejudices At Topeka Speech; Winguts Explode
Michelle Obama gave a speech on the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, so any normal person wouldn't find anything wrong with that.
You may remember that a few Topeka KS. students tried to block the First Lady from speaking at their graduation because-Brown v. Board of Education or something. Well, she compromised and she gave a marvelous speech. But as usual, right wing heads are exploding because she dared to go where no man...oh, forget it.
Remember, giving the Speech yesterday was a compromise after the “Mrs. Obama would outshine my son” or the “She doesn’t know our kids,” etc. comments by some parents and agitation by some students themselves.
The crowd went crazy with applause and cheers when First Lady Michelle Obama introduced former HSS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and thanked her for a great job, but very well deserved boos when the Rethuglican Gov. Sam Brownback was mentioned.
“We know that today in America, too many folks are still stopped on the street because of the color of their skin, or they're made to feel unwelcome because of where they come from, or they're bullied because of who they love.”
Mrs. Obama challenged the students (and everyone for that matter) to speak up against racism, homophobia, and bigotry, etc.
“As you go forth, when you encounter folks who still hold the old prejudices because they've only been around folks like themselves, when you meet folks who think they know all the answers because they've never heard any other viewpoints, it's up to you to help them see things differently.”
There is no greater truth with her conclusion in today's America, and what we must continue to fight.
“The truth is that Brown versus Board of Ed isn't just about our history, it's about our future. Because while the case was handed down 60 years ago, Brown is still being decided every single day — not just in our courts and schools, but in how we live our lives.”
Michelle Obama was speaking on the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education so any normal person wouldn't find anything wrong with that. However, not all people are created equally in the brain cell department. See, to the conservative media, it's never a good time to talk about racism, especially when it's an important date in our history and Laura Ingraham led the way of the unenlightened after the First Lady spoke.