OathKeepers: We Distributed Ammo To ‘Mentally Imbalanced’ Bundy Supporters
Mental illness is no barrier when you're defending the Republic, I guess.
Via Liberaland:
Stewart Rhodes of the Oathkeepers admits to distributing thousands of dollars worth of ammunition to Bundy’s militia supporters on the ranch that he suspected were “mentally imbalanced.”
Previous video footage of militia members at the Bundy Ranch show the groups fighting between themselves over paranoid power grabs. The situation got so bad that the Oathkeepers were kicked off the ranch.
Daily Kos posted the dialogue in the video:
Rhodes says at the 35:44 mark:
We distributed a ton of gear. All kinds of handsets. Tool ban radios — I bought 15 to 20 of ‘em and we brought more in, over time, a...