Pat Robertson: To Love The Gays, You Must Hate The Gays

Pat Robertson reveals his plan on how to help your gay relatives.

Pat Robertson really can't get enough of the gays. What would he do if all they gays packed up and moved to an island in the Galapagos? Or Mars?

Anyway, Pat has a lot of advice for his fellow Christian hating gay bashers. See, don't accept them as gay and make them not accept themselves as gay either. It's all so practical.

Televangelist Pat Robertson has frequently told “700 Club” viewers that the best way to “love” their gay son or daughter is to warn them that they are “on their way to Hell,” advising parents to help their children “revert” and “un-acquire” their sexual orientation through ex-gay therapy.

Today, Robertson offered similar counsel to a viewer whose niece recently came out of the closet, telling the viewer that one way to show love for her daughter is to refuse to accept her as gay."

"You want to be loving and warm and let them know that you love them, but you cannot accept it and you cannot be an enabler,” he said. “If they’re living together as a homosexual and you’re a Christian you cannot say, 'I accept this lifestyle.'” He also warned that “there’s an incredible barrage of activity forcing people to accept the homosexual lifestyle.”

“Do we accept adultery? Do we accept fornication? Do we accept immorality?” he asked. “I don’t think we ought to be accepting of it.”

Robertson went on to praise gays as “very talented people” with “an enormous capacity for artistic expression.”

He does think the gays are very talented people so there's that. I imagine he'd hire some gays to entertain his flock before throwing them into the Colosseum with his very best gladiators and a few hungry lions.

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