Queen Of Embassy Attacks Condi Rice Has 'Questions' About Benghazi

Condi Rice should explain to me why she didn't protect embassy personnel better on her watch as Secretary of State before nattering about Benghazi!

I know it's silly season but how about we get real with Condoleeza Rice and start demanding answers for the 13 embassy bombings that happened on her watch?

Washington Post:

Former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice says she still has questions about the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya that claimed the lives of four Americans.

First I would like for Former Secretary Rice to explain the attacks on embassies and diplomatic facilities during her tenure. I also want to know why it is that multiple attacks on the same embassies were tolerated with no effort to bring anyone to justice.

In an interview with Ozy.com published Thursday, Rice said the public still has questions about the security situation in the lead-up to the attacks and the circumstances on the ground during the attacks.

"I think there are unanswered questions and they could be easily answered. But I think they need to be answered," Rice said.

They've been answered, Condi. It's just that the wingnuts don't care for the answers, and they're really enjoying the attention. Get real.

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