Amateur Bundy Ranch Cop Running For NH Sheriff On A Gun Party Ticket
Jerry DeLemus, a tea party activist who claims responsibility for turning Jerad and Amanda Miller away from Cliven Bundy’s ranch, is running for Sheriff of Strafford County, New Hampshire.

Via Breitbart Unmasked:
Jerry DeLemus, a tea party activist who claims responsibility for turning Jerad and Amanda Miller away from Cliven Bundy’s ranch, is running for Sheriff of Strafford County, New Hampshire.
According to the Amherst Patch, DeLemus is a past chairman of the Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC and a founder of Rochester 9/12, a tea party group associated with Glenn Beck’s very weird 2010 rally on the National Mall. But his bid for County Sheriff suggests a strong association with the so-called ‘sovereign citizens’ movement, which considers that local elected position to be the high...