Ari Fleischer Demonstrates GOP 'Both Sides Of Your Mouth' Technique
Ari Fleischer can't remember what he thought about the US withdrawal from Iraq, so he makes it up according to what Fox News says.
Ari Fleischer isn't bothered at all by his flip-floppage on Iraq, because he's just a parrot for the Fox News narrative of the day. But even for him, this is pretty sad.
Here's a tweet from 2011, courtesy of Huffington Post:
And here's a tweet from Friday, where he got his years all mixed up while twisting himself in a flip-floppy knot:
He was for withdrawal before he was against it, but now that he thinks he can score a couple of hits on President Obama, he's all in for it being a terrible idea.
This is why he and all of his fellow neocon warmongers should STFU about Iraq right now and let the sane adults handle the crisis.