Chris Hayes Puts Blame For Las Vegas Shooting On Incendiary Rhetoric

Chris Hayes and Jon Ralston link up all of the connections between Bundy Ranch, the militia movement, and the tragic shooting in Las Vegas.

There are two dead cops and one dead bystander in Las Vegas because Fox News and the right wing has no shame or filters when it comes to how they express their hate for government and President Obama's administration. That is the gist of this segment with Chris Hayes and Jon Ralston Monday night.

I really wish Ralston hadn't stopped short of saying that Michele Fiori and Dean Heller have blood on their hands for endorsing right wing militia extremists at Bundy Ranch.

Because they do, along with Fox News and particularly Sean Hannity, who wrapped his arms around Cliven Bundy and gave him a big bear hug for his extremist views.

For nearly six years, we've been saying that the dangerous, inflammatory rhetoric of the right wing will cause a tragedy. Now we have one, and what is Fox News saying about it? Crickets, that's what.

Meanwhile, Alex Jones is all over the place inventing even more conspiracies to cover his own responsibility for what happened. Also Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

Free speech may be a right in this country, but it isn't license to be irresponsible. Who will make these folks admit their part in creating the monsters that shot two cops in cold blood?

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