Drudge Report's Hillary Clinton 'Walker-Gate' Fantasy Picture
Leave it to Matt Drudge to take a simple photo on the cover of People Magazine and try to turn it into a smoldering Hillary Clinton controversy.
Leave it to Matt Drudge to take a simple photo and try to turn it into a smoldering Clinton controversy. He made his bones on Monica Lewinsky so he must be relishing the chance to go after Hillary. But this one is so nonsensical and ridiculous that one has to wonder if he's just looking to join the negative Nelly conservative circus since the Bergdahl incident began. The main theme revolving around Hillary for conservative attackers these days is that she's a brain damaged old hag who needs a walker to get around.
This is so stupid that maybe he believes he's dishing out just a little conservative humor for a Wednesday. Anyone who isn't a Fox News viewer would be able to discern that Hillary was leaning on a chair. And once the crazy train gets going, there are no shortage of passengers waiting to jump on.
The WSJ laughingly wrote an article that said the big mystery over the People's magazine Clinton cover has been solved.
Attention Twitter: We can confirm that’s not a walker.
Hillary Clinton’s appearance on the cover of the People magazine raised some eyebrows Wednesday—and not for her comments on a potential run in 2016 or about Monica Lewinsky.Instead, some Twitter commenters focused less on Mrs. Clinton’s words than on her hands. Due to the way the cover is cropped, the pose at first glance could resemble that of someone leaning on a walker.
--But it was just a chair. Jess Cagle, the editorial director of People, said Clinton was photographed “standing next to a patio chair in the backyard at her home where the photo shoot took place.”
Shooting a full-length portrait, “you do have the problem of what to do with the subject’s hands,” said Dennis Brack, a former White House news photographer who has taken pictures of every president since Lyndon B. Johnson and often asks his subjects to make use of props. Leaning forward is a “more active type of pose,” he said. “It’s like you’re trying to get a point across.”
“Chances are that a chair was handy,” said Mr. Brack.
No kidding. This is the present day conservative attack model. Take anything at all, no matter how innocent it might appear and soil all over it with innuendo and lies.
(h/t TalkingPointsMemo)