Judge Napolitano: Obama Gave Material Assistance To A Terrorist Organization

Judge Napolitano was stark raving mad when he stated that President Obama provided material assistance to a terrorist organization which is a felony. I sh*t you not.

The Fox News psychos and the rest of the GOP have been out in force screeching like wild hyenas every since the despicable Richard Grenell politicized Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's release from the Taliban. Republicans have done many shameful things since Obama took office, but none swifter than the prisoner swap orgy. While conservatives smeared Sgt. Bergdahl as a traitor, others immediately began to complain that Obama didn't notify Congress what he was doing and began cackling like a coupe of Shakespeare's witches in Macbeth.

Judge Andrew Napolitano took it further by coming to an illogical conclusion that since the president agreed to a prisoner swap, which routinely happens in wars, he has now provided material assistance to a terrorist organization which is a felony. I sh*t you not.

Napolitano: Look, there's a lot of legal issues hear, the lesser the legal issue is the failure to inform Congress. He signed into law a statute saying if I'm going to take anyone out of Gitmo for any reason whatsoever, I have to give Congress a thirty day notice....

But the far more difficult one is that we have a federal statute which makes it a felony to provide material assistance to a terrorist organization. Now material assistance is defined very, very broadly. It could be money, it could be maps, it could be professional services.It could be any asset whatsoever, including human assets. So I have argued that by letting these people free and their natural and probable result of them being let free is that they will rejoin these terrorist organizations. the president has done what his justice department prosecuted people for. Successfully prosecuted people for.

Way to go Judge. Arrest, indict and convict them of crimes they have not yet committed. No wonder he's on Fox News. But it's this maniacal treatment of this case that's so damn insane. Political discourse on current events has deteriorated so badly for Republicans that they couldn't keep impeachment talk out of it. This will come back to bite them badly.

No sooner had Andrew finished those irrational thoughts came his impeachment finale.

In my view it's a very valid argument that people are going to start talking about.

The judge also said that when Clinton was impeached it was over nonsense, but the Bergdahl exchange is far, far worse.

Heaven help us all.

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