Hillary Clinton Pokes Karl Rove Over 'Brain Damage' Remarks
Hillary Clinton was interviewed by ABC's Diane Sawyer about her new book, the Bergdahl prison swap and Paul Ryan's concussion issues. She also took a jab at Karl Rove for intimating she has brain damage.
Hillary Clinton was interviewed by ABC's Diane Sawyer about her new book, the Bergdahl prison swap, Paul Ryan's concussion issues and Karl Rove. She backed up president Obama's play to bring home Sgt. Bergdahl by saying "it doesn't matter," what a soldier has done, he needs to come home.
Karl Rove has been attacking Hillary lately for being too old to run for president in 2016 as well as indicating she has brain damage and when she was asked about it, she took a jab at the former Bushie's own cranium.
Clinton: because of the force of the fall, I had double vision for a short period of time and I had some dizziness.
Sawyer: Did you have trouble talking?
Clinton: No, I had no problems. The only thing I had..
Sawyer: Headaches?
Clinton: No, I didn't have any of that. I felt fine and felt it was kind of silly that I was supposed to stay in bed.
(Paul Ryan) I read he was this great athlete, and I said Congressman, have you ever had a concussion? he says, Oh, yes, he said I had several. I think three and the last once was serious, but my mother was smart enough to let me stay in.
She also said that she would release her medical records if she does run in 2016.
Sawyer: And what would you say to Karl Rove about your brain?
Clinton: (laughs) That I know he was called 'Bush's Brain' in one of the books written about him, and I wish him well.
Sawyer: Age.
Clinton: Isn't it great to be our age?
She might have wrapped up the Bill O'Reilly demographic with that answer. Bush's Brain made a fool of himself to Megyn Kelly on Fox News during the election results in 2012 and although big GOP donors still hand over money to him, he hasn't done too well since he helped George Bush get reelected in 2004.