Mika Brzezinski Dukes It Out With John McCain Over Iraq War

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski had a heated argument with Sen. John McCain over the Obama administration's handling of the Iraq war.

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski had a heated argument with Sen. John McCain over the Obama administration's handling of the Iraq war. McCain has been acting like king baby ever since the militant group, called the Islamic State of Iraq, marched into Iraq unopposed by the Iraqi army and has been taking territory ever since and Mika didn't hold back and her displeasure at McCain's antics. She critiqued the decision by George Bush to attack them in the first place and then asked why had they cut out the Sunnis from the government back in 2003.

McCain argued that the Obama administration's decision not to leave a residual force behind after the war in Iraq ended in 2011 was to blame for Iraqi militants' power grabs this week.

“We had it won. Thanks to the surge and thanks to Gen. David Petraeus, we had it won," McCain said. "And then the decision was made by the Obama administration to not have a residual force in Iraq."

Brzezinski contested that claim and suggested the George W. Bush administration was partly responsible for the current situation in Iraq.

"What about going in in the first place? And what about churning the hate?" she asked. "What about taking the Sunnis out of leadership positions in 2003? What about the fact that there might have been some parts of this that are on the previous administration that could be relitigated as well?"

"What about the fact that we had it won?" McCain responded. "What about the fact that people like me said we've got to fire [Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld, we've got to get the surge going?"

"Did we?" Brzezinski interjected.

"Yes, we did, finally," McCain said.

“Now I expected you and others to blame it on all these different events," he added. "The fact is we had the conflict won, and we had a stable government, and a residual force such as we have left behind ... but the president wanted out and now we are paying a very heavy price.”

Hey, McCain, it wasn't only Obama that wanted out of that war, the American people wanted out of Iraq by a heavy margin too and the Iraqi people have to defend their country sometime. is he suggesting an open ended occupation of that country?

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