Right Wing Extremists Sending Poll Watchers To Tuesday's MS Runoff

True the Vote, Tea Party Patriots and FreedomWorks are sending poll watchers to precincts in Mississippi where Democrats are voting in the runoff election between Cochran and McDaniel.

Poll watchers in Democratic precincts in Mississippi? What could possibly go wrong with that? But that is exactly what will happen on Tuesday for the runoff between Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel.

New York Times:

As Senator Thad Cochran, the veteran Republican, fights for his political life in Mississippi by taking the unexpected step of courting black Democrats, conservative organizations working to defeat him are planning to deploy poll watchers to monitor his campaign’s turnout operation in Tuesday’s runoff election.

Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, president of the Senate Conservatives Fund, a political action committee that has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars backing Mr. Cochran’s Tea Party opponent, State Senator Chris McDaniel, said in an interview on Sunday that his group was joining with Freedom Works and the Tea Party Patriots in a “voter integrity project” in Mississippi.

The groups will deploy observers in areas where Mr. Cochran is recruiting Democrats, Mr. Cuccinelli said. J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department official and conservative commentator who said he was advising the effort, described the watchers as “election observers,” mostly Mississippi residents, who will be trained to “observe whether the law is being followed.”

Oh, Ken Cuccinelli, that paragon of virtue! True the Vote is already laying a foundation to claim the first vote was rigged. In a press release sent out last week, Catherine Engelbrecht claims there were "unusual voting patterns" in areas where Cochran won.

That's rich, coming from someone supporting a candidate whose supporters 'accidentally' locked themselves in to the courthouse where the ballots were stored, and had four other key supporters arrested for their photo safari into Mrs. Cochran's hospice room.

We all know what "poll watchers" really means. It means don't let the black folks vote because they might upset the guy who associates with today's version of the KKK.

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