Rush Limbaugh: 'Uncle Toms For Thad' & 'Black Uncle Tom Voters'
Right wing talk show hosts are freaking over the fact that black voters helped beat their hero Chris McDaniel, in the Mississippi Republican primary runoff election.
Right wing talk show hosts are freaking that democracy won out in the Mississippi Republican primary runoff election and blacks voted against their hero. It doesn't matter to them what the rules and voting laws are in Mississippi, it's the fact that their chosen one, Chris McDaniel, got defeated by a long time incumbent who they targeted as an easy pickup for the tea party.
Limbaugh: I wonder what the campaign slogan was in Mississippi in the past couple of days. 'Uncle Toms For Thad?' I thought it was the worst thing you could do as an African American is vote for a Republican. . Worst thing you could do, but. somehow they were made to believe that voting for old Thad would be fine and dandy.
Insider republicans in the Senate bought nine percentage points, eight or nine percentage points from the "black uncle Tom" voters in Mississippi.
It didn't take long for Rush to break out into one of his typical racist screeds. The fact is that it is really hard to beat a long time incumbent in any state, Rush. And if any voter feels they need to make a choice between a bad candidate and a very, very, very insane one, well then what would you have them do?
Media Matters has a roundup of the the other Fox News psychos and how they felt about McDaniel's loss.