Shep Smith Attacks Iraq War Hawks: Same People Who Lied To Us Are Doing It Again

Shep Smith opened up his broadcast on Fox News by not toeing the company line and asked serious questions about those who once lied us into the Iraq war.

Shep Smith opened up his broadcast on Fox News Friday afternoon by asking serious questions about those who once told us it was the rigth thing to do to attack iraq and now again telling America that we must go back into Iraq. I made a compilation clip from two segments, one was his opening monologue and the next two were spliced together from his interview of Chris Wallace. Here's how he opened up his show

Smith: Are we about to be drawn back into a conflict in Iraq? The same people who 12 years ago told us this will be quick, this will be easy, this will be inexpensive, they will see us as liberators, it's the right thing to do, are now telling us, 'It's the right thing to do.' What's the endgame? Who's thought this through?

Smith didn't pussy foot around. He's calling out Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, McCain and many others for their calculated lies to draw America into a war with a country that didn't attack us.

Later on in the show he interviewed Chris Wallace about what Bush's Iraq warmongers had said during the runup to war and ripped them to pieces with an excellent recap about some of their lies.

Smith: I don't think people understand how serious this is yet. I'm talking about people out there because what happened was, we went to war after they told us, Paul Wolfowitz stood up and told us there are no sectarian troubles in iraq, remember? he was talking to Eric Shinseki at the time Chris, remember that? Said there are no sectarian problems in Iraq like we've seen in other places, they're not going to rise up against each other. There's no evidence of that. That's what they told us.

Then we went in there, we went in for eleven years, then we drew down as President Bush set a time line and president Obama got out. And when we drew down we asked to keep some soldiers there And Nuri-al Maliki said no to an agreement. Then we left. Their sectarian civil war began and they're ringing us up on the phone asking us to come back because the half million men we trained quit, have melted away in the face of a few hundred insurgents. That's what they're wanting. Is there anybody pushing back?

And then he finished up hoping that the media would act differently this time instead of being Iraq war enablers like the first time around. I think he was hinting to Wallace to act like a journalist this time on his Fox News Sunday show.

Smith: I think the media will operate differently this time then they did last time. I hope we do. I hope we ask lots of questions.

Wallace: It's always good to ask questions.

All in all, an impressive performance from Shep Smith. Keep it up, please.

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