Bigots Troll C-Span On Civil Rights Act Anniversary Because Liberty!

C-Span's phones were inundated with callers speaking in code about how much they hate President Obama.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act sincerely is so yesterday, isn't it? C-Span tried to honor it by opening their phones to live callers, which is always entertaining. Thursday, the flavor of the day was Bigot Blowhard with a side order of Poor Oppressed White Dude.


When C-SPAN invited viewers on Thursday to offer their thoughts on the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, a handful of individuals used the opportunity to lament white oppression.

"Washington Journal" host Steve Scully listened as an "independent" caller named Thomas from Maryland told him that he is "much less liberal today" than he was in 1964 when the landmark law was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson.

"And I think the blacks have brought on most of their present-day problems themselves. They insult white people," he told Scully. "I heard it right on your own show, I heard some black call Karl Rove a 'white boy.' And I don't think that's right. They're attacking white people in the big cities and we're supposed to put up with that kind of stuff and like them and say, 'Well, come into our neighborhood.' And how about the discussion of the black crime that goes on in this country?"

I love those "I used to be liberal" callers. Even better, the ones who get on the line and say "Hey, I'm a Democrat but I hate everything they do." Trolls much?

And Scully eventually heard from two consecutive callers who each said that white guys are getting a bum rap. First up was Joe in Ohio, who said there is a "war on white men in this country from liberal white women that claim there is a war against women."

"No country has ever created more things for the betterment of mankind's living than the caucasian race that came from Europe and I'm sick and tired as an octogenarian hearing all this bad-mouthing of white people," he said.

Well, you know. Blah people and all that. But it's particularly ironic coming on the day before Independence Day, which we all know is for white dudes but not women or anyone of color, right?

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