Carly Fiorina Is Insulted Over The War On Women

Why is Carly Fiorina relevant to anything?

It seems that Carly Fiorina has taken the helm at the American Conservative Union, which might explain why she's popping up like a bad penny all over Fox News. Saturday's appearance was Classic Carly, with her dismissing the uproar over the Hobby Lobby case as mere hype with no foundation. Why, she's insulted at the very suggestion.

Indeed, Carly seems to think she's all that, and that Republicans are actually breaking down her door to take the lead on messaging around women, because somehow a disgraced CEO who wasn't above every dirty trick in the book is a credible voice for women. If she's the best they can produce, they're as pathetic as we know they are.

Fiorina says a lot of words but there's little substance. Basically she spends the majority of her time dismissing women's concerns but offering very little in terms of factual argument or solutions. Pointing out that Hobby Lobby provided contraception before their lawsuit ignores the fact that they covered the very forms of contraception they subsequently opposed.

Really, the only thing of substance here is that the Fox host managed to slip in a couple of lies about IUDs and Plan B without so much as a batted eyelash by Ms. Carly, proving yet again that Fox Makes People Stupid.

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