Dem Rep Tells CSPAN Viewer He Should Watch Less Fox News

Rep. Jim Himes had an easy answer for those crazy C-SPAN viewers who believe all the conspiracy theories.

Please give us more elected officials who aren't timid about telling people they should turn off their TV machines and get out more often.


The caller rattled off a list including Benghazi, the IRS scandal, NSA surveillance, Fast and Furious and the Veterans Affairs scandal. He also asked Himes to address the theory that Obama was responsible for the 2013 federal government shutdown, not Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“Any other president would have been laughed out of office by now if he’d have been a Republican," the caller said. "This guy gets away with murder!”

“That was quite a list,” Himes said after the caller completed his recitation of 20 or so scandals and conspiracies.

The congressman began to defend Obama, but instead suggested a different news diet to the caller.

"I will try to attend to defend — actually, I’m not going to," Himes said. "Look, with all due respect, Bob, maybe a little more C-SPAN and a little bit less Fox News. That was the grab bag of everything that Fox News and my friends on the Republican Caucus of the House in particular have tried to hang around the president."

He went on to rebut the Benghazi claims, but the best advice he could give this viewer was right there in the "little bit less Fox News" advice. If only they would take it.

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