Dick Morris Says Immigration Is Democrats' Armageddon

The Man Who Is Always Wrong is predicting a landslide for Republicans over the border crisis. He also wants everyone to know it's perfectly safe in those countries.

The conservative echo chamber is alive with the sounds of celebration over how they are leveraging the plight of Central American refugees with loud, angry protests tossing hate at them. Who better than Dick Morris to reassure the angry xenophobes that they're doing God's work?

Yes, the man who never gets anything right predicts the end of the Democrats in November, if Republicans play their cards right. In this NewsMax interview, Morris tells a hungry audience that with a little messaging magic and finesse, Democrats are toast.

Here's how it's supposed to happen:

Morris laid out a scenario for Senate realignment that connects developments in Washington to growing national anxiety over the immigration crisis:

  • As protests multiply in communities where the federal government had hoped to shelter the new arrivals, pressure will grow on the president to deal with, and to repatriate, thousands of the children from Central America who crossed the border alone in recent weeks and months.
  • Republicans in Congress, sensing opinion on their side, will demand concessions from the president in exchange for his $3.7 billion emergency aid request: a reversal of the president's 2012 policy easing child deportations; and his consent to changes in a 2008 law that also prevents rapid repatriation of children from certain countries.
  • As the president considers the GOP offer, the Senate as a whole under Majority Leader Harry Reid will object to concessions that anger Hispanic voters who want amnesty and a path toward citizenship for the new arrivals.
  • The resulting stalemate will leave a group of Reid's Democratic colleagues up for re-election this fall in a difficult position: facing a backlash from voters who are increasingly troubled by the crisis.

Here's the problem with Dickie-Doo's scenario: He assumes that the majority of the country is "increasingly troubled" because those worried voters don't want more brown people. In fact, the opposite is true. If Obama were acting on the basis of polls alone, he would suspend all deportations immediately for any reason and his approval rating would shoot up by more than a few points.

People are troubled by this crisis because there is no rational pathway for these people to seek legal asylum other than the one they are on. The best they can hope for is to come to the border, ask for an asylum hearing, and wait.

That's irrational, insane policy, and everyone knows there's a way to fix it. Except Dick, it seems.

And then there's this little bit of classic Morris toe-sucking nonsense:

Morris also questioned the underlying rationale for the exodus of children who are said to be fleeing drug gang violence in countries such as Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. He called that story a "myth"

"I've done a bunch of campaigns in Guatemala, in El Salvador, and in Honduras, and those countries right now are safer than they've normally been," he said. "There's no civil war going on — there was for 30 or 40 years. There are no death squads. … The idea that these kids are fleeing violence is really irrational."

Again, Dicktoes is absolutely wrong, or else all of those Congressmen hiding in their hotel rooms while visiting are just a bunch of scared babies.

He should be ashamed of himself for trying to minimize those kids' plight. Are these idiots really trying to argue that kids leave their homes, their country and their families to risk death and pennilessness crossing Mexico so they can be screamed at by insane teabaggers at the border?


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