Goober Gohmert Ready To Embrace Sandy Hook Trutherism

Rep. Louie Gohmert gladly accepted an invitation to watch a Sandy Hook truther's video explaining why it was all just a 'false flag.'

Is there ever a bad time for Louie Gohmert's crazy to leap off the page? No, I don't think so. Here's a lovely audio file of Gohmert welcoming the opportunity to add to his Catalogue of Crazy by promising a prompt viewing of a Sandy Hook truther's video.

Right Wing Watch:

While guest-hosting yesterday’s edition of the Family Research Council radio show “Washington Watch,” Rep. Louie Gohmert fielded a call from a Sandy Hook truther who asked the Texas congressman to watch and pray over a video, Sofia Smallstorm’s “Sandy Hook Hoax: Ultimate Case Closed Debunked.”

Sandy Hook truthers generally believe that the elementary school shooting was a hoax designed to justify the enactment of new gun laws.

Gohmert was quite receptive to the caller’s suggestion: “I will sure do that, Sandy, I’m always learning new things and appreciate the input. Thanks for that thought and I will check out Sofia Smallstorm’s video and find out what it is that is so compelling.”

If it were almost any other politician, who would care? Gohmert's response is the polite answer one gives wingnuts. But when it's Gohmert, it's another thing entirely. If there's a crazy conspiracy theory, he will believe, publicize and fundraise from it.

This is the guy, after all, who says he's not sure whether Obamacare's secret security force will use weapons or syringes to subdue Americans. Then there was the "Obama ousted Qaddafi so the Muslim Brotherhood could take control in Libya" theory. He's the guy who went to Egypt and blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for 9-11. And how could we forget his claim that liberals were going to use vaccines to "cull the population?"

He's an easy target. I'm sure we'll hear a floor speech from him (after his nice long vacation, of course) about the very real Sandy Hook tragedy being another ruse to force gun safety laws on the nation.

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