Loony Judge Jeanine Goes After Pope Francis

This Fox News rant machine needs some Valium and humility.

Fox News has been obsessing on ISIS' purge of the few remaining Christians in Syria and Iraq for awhile now in order to ramp up audience fear of Muslims.

Now Judge Jeanine Pirro jumped into the act, but instead of her usual unhinged attacks on Obama, she went after Pope Francis for not using his 'bully pulpit' to make those terrorists come to Jesus and leave the Christians alone.


This past week, Fox did at least six shows dedicated to the horrific treatment of Iraqi Christians at the hands of the radical Jihadist group ISIS. At no point, however, was it mentioned that ISIS is also persecuting its fellow Muslims as that would take away from the Fox meme that the evil, secret Muslim president is ignoring the plight of Christians. Last night, Pirro finished up the week with a screed about how Pope Francis better get off his papal posterior and say something.

I am not making light of their persecution, but she certainly is. From the transcript:

But now to the papacy: I am a Christian. I am a Catholic. I went to Catholic schools. My children are baptized. And I mean no disrespect, but it is time for the papacy and Pope Francis in particular to start protecting his Christian flock.

This month, Pope Francis preached that immigrant children in facilities around the United States should be "welcomed and protected.” Your holiness, they're in the United States. They are protected. They are being given food, and clothing and shelter. No children are being killed by the United States. Christian children are being killed in the Middle East! And while we appreciate your prayer for those in the Middle East last week, it's just not enough!

Everything about who we are, evidence of from whence we came as Christians is being destroyed. They are taking crosses off churches and turning them into mosques with loud speakers! Priceless relics are being destroyed or sold. And for the first time in 1,600 years, Mass will not be held in the ancient city of Mosul, Iraq. The language of Jesus, Aramaic, could be lost as well as Christians who speak it are murdered.

Your holiness, you are the leader of the flock. You control one of the wealthiest organizations in the world. And with wealth comes power.

Your recent trips and your planned trips do not reflect the urgent concern necessary for Christians in Iraq, and Syria and Egypt.

What exactly is she expecting the Pope to do? Travel to Iraq and shake his fist at the extremists?

This is the kind of rant that gets people stirred up, because it's selective. Why isn't Pirro ranting about the Palestinian children bombed to bits by Israel? I think we all know the answer to that.

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