Wingnut Former Police Chief Wants To 'Rain Hot Lead' On Cartels At Arizona Border

Mark Kessler is heading to the Arizona border and calling on his pals to join him in order to 'rain hot lead' on alleged drug cartels.

According to Mark Kessler, he's very concerned about cartels amassing on the Arizona border and has issued a call for his militia pals to join him.

BreitbartUnmasked has a screenshot of his Facebook page, which is horrifying enough until you read what he posted:

Kessler here, I'm driving to Arizona border for five days with a few friends , going to patrol cartel mule paths that lead into Arizona , leading a small team to recon the area and set up , we're expecting to make contact and be engaged by heavily armed cartel escorts trucking dope into Arizona, Feel free to join if you want , but be prepared to get contacted by heavily armed cartel members packing automatic weapons & grenades, , I will return fire as if god himself opened up the sky's and poured hot lead down by the ton!

Raise your hand if you really believe he's on the prowl for drug cartels. No hands raised? Good. We all know why he's heading to the border and it has very little to do with drug smugglers and much more to do with offing any poor unfortunate family who might dare to cross the border while Texas and California get all the publicity. Or worse yet, get in the way of Border Patrol agents taking migrant families into custody.

It appears that we are going to have a 'patriot Summer' in advance of the November midterms, with all of the Birchers, patriot groups and militias mobilized to stoke up hate, irrational fear, and more. Kessler was present at the Bundy ranch earlier this year, and now he's popping up in the middle of the publicity over the border crisis.


It seems that no matter what, Kessler, who looks to be a cardboard cutout begging for a TV reality show, wants to engage in some type of firefight: be it with the federal government or drug cartels or anyone who wants to challenge him and his authoritarian personality complex. I am not sure he actually knows what he is getting into when he heads into drug cartel territory. Has Kessler ever been schooled in how the drug cartels operate, with kidnappings, random tortures, beheading those that challenge their power, hanging people from freeway overpasses for the mere mentioning of their activities, entire towns being eradicated to make room for their operations, or entire populations attempting to flee to the United States because of all the rampant drug violence in their own country?

The guy is an armchair cowboy who got sidelined by his nasty, militant threats to most of civil society. I somehow doubt he cares what he's doing as long as he sees himself as a hero.


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