Morning Joe Team Jousts Over St. Ronnie's Response To Korean Air Downing

While Ukraine smolders, Joe Scarborough bickers.

Here is a couple of hosts on our so-called "liberal" cable media station fighting like 2-year olds over whether or not Saint Ronnie reacted like a real man when the Korean Airlines jet was shot down by Russia.

This is the Myth of Saint Ronnie, compared to Joe's Obama cartoon character with a hat tip to fellow idiot Jon Karl. Their caricature of Obama is a big fat cheeseburger-eating coward who won't get down off his high horse and handle Russia like a man. Like Saint Ronnie.

Yes, that Saint Ronnie, whose reaction Steve M. already explained so well in his earlier post.

Scarborough finally admitted his error on Twitter after the whole ridiculous spat was over. I'm certain that was no mistake on his part. He intentionally misled viewers and then corrected himself in a venue where no one would notice. Good one, Joe.

Here's the thing that bothers me most. There are actual serious things happening in the world today. Who gives a flying f*ck what Saint Ronnie did or did not do? Obama isn't going to go drop Special Forces into Ukraine or declare war on Russia. That means sanctions and diplomacy, which are actually doing what they're supposed to do.

Maybe Joe Scarborough could put his big boy pants on and start acting like there are some serious issues worthy of serious attention? And give the office of the President some respect even if he has none for the man?

I'm so tired of everything being boiled down to intellectual pablum. How about some adult talk at the table for a change?

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