Paul Ryan Snows Robert Reich Into Accepting Anything But Obstruction

Robert Reich answers critics who were shocked at his acceptance of Ryan's anti-poverty proposal as a 'starting point.'

Robert Reich is shocked this morning at the negative feedback he and the Ryan plan in general have received from people like me and others. Writing on his Facebook page, he first defends his remarks by enumerating all of the fabulous benefits of an EITC expansion, while reminding everyone that these grants to states aren't really block grants, since there's some level of accountability to the federal government. Slow clap.

Then he asks, "Have we become so polarized and distrustful we can’t even talk?"

The short answer to that question is you betcha. Why should we trust anything Republicans propose, even if it's merely for "discussion?" These are the same people who refuse to deal in good faith with the immigration reform bill languishing in the House because it makes great political theatre to go out and holler about "illegals." These are the same people who want to impeach President Obama for nothing specific, and are going to file a lawsuit against him because he didn't enforce the ACA the way they think he should have even though they voted to repeal said law 50 times.

Polarized and distrustful is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dealing with this crop of cynical, self-serving, Koch-powered a$$holes. For more evidence, see their sudden proclamation that after nearly four years, they're now ready to govern. You will see them pass the VA bill that's been gathering dust for weeks since it was passed by the Senate and then claim this as evidence that they really, truly want to govern now. No more games, it's time to get down to business.

How conveeeeeenient.

Robert Reich is an economist and not a politician, but he should still know better than to fall for this "Shame Coach the Poors" program hook, line and sinker while ignoring their naked, cynical election-year ploy. They've got no intention of passing anything meaningful on poverty but they still need to go back to their districts with something, put their with their sad face on and shrug while they inform their districts that if they just had a better Senate they could get stuff done.

It's not us, it's them. See how that works, Robert?

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