Right Wing Targeted Lois Lerner Because Of Her 1996 Investigation Into Koch Funding
The ginned-up IRS scandal is nothing more than a grudge match, orchestrated by the usual suspects and carried out by their bought-and-paid-for politicians.
As it turns out, there's much more than meets the eye with regard to the vendetta being waged against Lois Lerner. I took a hard look at the past, her history when she worked for the FEC, and the investigations she was involved in. My story about it is posted here, but I've posted an excerpt to whet your appetite. Enjoy.
When the IRS 'scandal' broke in 2013, IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner found herself at the center of a maelstrom of finger-pointing and right-wing hysteria. For over a year, the right has been relentlessly attacking her in the media and in the halls of Congress. The nature of the attacks transcends the mere political and enters the realm of personal destruction, right down to the House vote to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress for choosing to exercise her 5th amendment rights.
Lois Lerner wasn't just an unfortunate bureaucrat in the crosshairs of the Tea Party. Lois Lerner, it turns out, knew exactly what and who she was dealing with when applications started streaming in for exemptions back in 2010. She had seen it all before, in intimate detail.
1996: Shadowy Right Wing organizations form new alliancesTo tell Lerner's story properly, turn to the 1996 general election. Bill Clinton was running against Bob Dole, the Newt Gingrich House Majority was in danger of erosion, and right wing billionaires were anxious to do whatever they could to preserve their majority.
1996: Shadowy Right Wing organizations form new alliances
In 1996, campaign finance issues were also at the forefront. Ads were run in key Congressional districts targeting challengers for House seats as well as Senatorial candidates. The ads were coordinated and placed by a company known as TRIAD Management Corporation.The primary beneficiaries of hundreds of thousands in unreported independent expenditures were Sam Brownback in Kansas, Bob Riley in Alabama, and Senator Don Nickles of Oklahoma, along with 29 conservative candidates for Congress.
TRIAD (an acronym for Tactical Resources In American Democracy) was the brainchild of Liberty University graduate and Republican operative Carolyn Malenick. Malenick cut her political teeth working for Richard Viguerie, reportedly had a close friendship with Jerry Falwell and his family, had served as a consultant for Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum, and was Oliver North's primary fundraiser for his failed run at the Senate.Malenick was also a member of the Council for National Policy, the secretive right-wing organization formed as a self-proclaimed 'counterweight' to liberal values.
Funded by the DeVos family, Richard Scaife, the Kochs, and others seeking theocracy (a value in line with the Birchers' goals, too), the CNP does not have public meetings and is very careful about who they admit into membership.
Membership in the CNP gave Malenick access to funding sources and candidates alike. In 1995, she set about the business of creating ways for wealthy donors to circumvent contribution limitations to their preferred candidates. She leveraged those connections well.
Read the rest at BreitbartUnmasked.