Right-Wing Think Tanker Says Obama Should Be 'Hung, Drawn And Quartered'

The head of the Center for Immigration Studies says impeachment is too good for President Obama.

Tea partiers and their think tank pals. Gotta love 'em, or not. Stephen Steinlight is the right wing's anti-immigration expert. The Center for Immigration Studies is a euphemism for "spread hate and do it loudly," brought to you by the usual right-wing suspects.


A senior policy analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, which bills itself as the think tank of the anti-immigrant Right, told a Florida-based Tea Party group last week that President Obama not only deserves impeachment, but that “being hung, drawn and quartered is probably too good for him.”

The Center for New Community’s Imagine 2050 blog first reported on Stephen Steinlight’s remarks.

Yes, that's the kind of rhetoric that fosters cooperation and reasoned debate, for sure.

Here's the transcript of what he said:

A rash of opinion polls which have come out, not push polls, real polls, including one by Gallup that showed that 65 percent of the American people don’t want any part of an Obama-style immigration reform. But the idea of this [lawsuit] is vintage Boehner, it’s a political loser. There is no court that is going to stop Obama from doing anything. We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? I mean, I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him.

I'm sure he'll come out after the furor heats up and say he was just joking, right? He was certainly joking about the statistics, which he has exactly backwards.

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