Ron Fournier: ACA Only Important To Minority Communities

Ron Fournier, get out of Washington DC and step into the real world, please.

What the hell does he mean by this? During a conversation about the political ramifications of Monday's twisted DC Circuit Court decision, Fournier dismissed any possible political fallout to Republicans by claiming that Obamacare only matters to a few minority communities, so no big deal.

What minority communities is he thinking of? Women? People over age 55? Young people? Or maybe the universe of people with pre-existing conditions who cannot afford health insurance without those tax subsidies?

Seventy percent or so of enrollees on the exchanges receive some assistance with their premium costs. But hey, they're just 'a few minorities.'

Why didn't he just come out and say only black, brown and female moochers only benefit, and they're too lazy to come out and vote in November?

Here's a thought for Ron. Over one million people in Florida have insurance through the federal exchange. That's one million voters in one state alone. How many of those voters will be running to the polls in November to vote for Rick Scott? How many of those voters will be voting for the local tea party goons screaming "Repeal, repeal!" Good health is a non-partisan thing.

File this in your folder under the umpty-zillionth reason Fox News Makes You Stupid.

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