Rush Limbaugh: Women Wouldn't Need Birth Control If They Weren't Sluts

And right-wing talk show blowhards wouldn't need illegal Viagra prescriptions if....

Rush Limbaugh went on an anti-birth control pill rant the other day after a caller wondered why the pill has become so important to the humane condition. Ever since the Hobby Lobby case came up suddenly in conservatives' minds, contraceptives meant women view pregnancies as a disease. That's pretty new and very disturbing.

Limbaugh: A caller asked, when did birth control pills become so important to the humane condition, the federal government requires every insurance policy to cover them? Eye examines, dental work are not mandated by Obamacare, but contraception is. Birth control pills are. Which is worse, to go blind from lack of regular eye exams or or to get pregnant?

And again, pregnancy is something that you have to do to cause. It doesn't just happen to you while you're walking down the street except in the case of sexual abuse. Pregnancy requires actions and yet we treat it as a great imposition that women need to be protected from. It's a sickness, it's a disease, it's whatever and there's got to be a pill for it. And yet they wouldn't have the problem if they didn't do a certain thing. It's that simple.

Everyone knows women are stupid sluts that can't keep their legs closed because if they did then the poor Mennonites wouldn't be forced to pay for those dirty slut pills. Rush just wants you to take responsibility for your slutiness.

Birth control has helped women and society greatly ever since it has been introduced and the Limbaughs all know it. Why evangelical Christians have turned it into a sick and twisted pro-life cause is beyond me since most religious women use contraception.

The Guttmacher Institute has some great information here:

• Contraceptive use is common among women of all religious denominations. Eighty-nine percent of at-risk Catholics and 90% of at-risk Protestants currently use a contraceptive method. Among sexually experienced religious women, 99% of Catholics and Protestants have ever used some form of contraception.

And as for Limbaugh and pills. How quickly he forgets that he was arrested at an airport with four other men for having an illegal prescription filled with Viagra.

In 2006, Limbaugh was detained by United States Customs officers after returning from the Dominican Republic with Viagra in his possession. The prescription wasn't written in Limbaugh's name, so the authorities suspected unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Moreover, a simple Google search of the terms "adult travel" (NSFW) reveals that the Dominican Republic has earned an outsized reputation as one of the world's hottest destinations for sex tourists.

I did a lot of extensive reporting when this story broke because it's illegal to have prescription drugs not in your own name.

I spoke with the Florida Medical Board and they told me that it is unethical and illegal for a doctor to write a prescription for him/her and then give it to another patient. They told me I could file a complaint and it would be investigated. I first called The Medical Board of California and found out that they have the same practice in place. As we know from yesterday:

Rush Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours at Palm Beach International Airport after authorities said they found a bottle of Viagra in his possession without a prescription. A doctor had prescribed the drug, but it was "labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes," Roy Black, Limbaugh's attorney, said in a statement.

Roy Black issued a statement yesterday that said :

While going through routine Customs inspection of luggage at Palm Beach International Airport upon his return from an international trip, Rush Limbaugh was detained by customs agents after they noticed a non-narcotic prescription drug, which had been prescribed by Mr. Limbaugh's treating physician but labeled as being issued to the physician rather than Mr. Limbaugh for privacy purposes. After a brief interview, Mr. Limbaugh was permitted to continue on his journey.

This is not consistent with medical practices in the two states that I have checked on so far. Doctors cannot engage in that type of behavior. By receiving a fake prescription that is clearly in violation of Florida's Medical Law, did Limbaugh then violate the terms of his plea deal? Roy Black's statement tries to paint this occurrence to be typical doctor behavior because of Rush Limbaugh's high profile, but that is not the case.

A Beverly Hills addiction specialist, Dr. David Kipper said that this is the number one offense a doctor can do. They are not even supposed to write prescriptions for family members.

I wonder if any of those women Limbaugh shagged out of the country used contraception? I wonder if he demanded that they use it? And if not then I wonder how many little Limbaughs are running around in the world not knowing who their daddy is.

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