Senators McCain, Graham Blame Obama For Congress' Lazy Ways

It's the House of Representatives but really it's all Obama's fault they're being so difficult.

The interview on CBS' Face the Nation was going mostly as expected. John McCain was going on (and on and on) about Iraq being all Obama's fault while naming Afghan presidential candidates as "good men in Iraq." Graham was bobbling appropriately while desperately trying to get a word in edgewise.

The conversation turned to the children at the border, whereupon both Senators gave predictable answers (Obama's fault!) and paid lip service to how broken-hearted they were over those poor little children. In the next breath both affirmed that those poor heartbreaking little children needed to be sent back as examples so every poor kid on the planet didn't show up on our borders.

Out of nowhere, Bob Schieffer dropped The Question. "I have to ask, Senators, how do you feel about being part of a Congress that doesn't do anything?"

Suddenly the sounds of pins dropping could be heard across the nation. John McCain stepped up first, proclaiming his commitment to keep on fighting while respecting his colleagues in the House, but rapidly pivoted to the bogus argument that it's all Obama's fault because he 'changes every law he doesn't like.'

Errrrr. Isn't everything?

Graham actually did drop some truth into the discussion, when he said that Republicans had no chance in 2016 if they adopt a platform of self-deportation. He then quickly backed that up by reassuring all the old bigots watching that "even Ted Cruz supports immigration reform."

Oh, a grain of truth. Except Ted Cruz supports nothing of the sort. Cruz is driving the TeaBircher "no amnesty, no path to citizenship" obstruction. He would go even farther and deport every undocumented worker in the country before even considering some form of immigration reform that let educated techie types in on visas while shutting out Latin Americans. He has his. No one else need apply, right?

Graham is, of course, correct about 2016. He and McCain can try and play games and blame it on Obama, but then there is that big elephant in the room called the House of Representatives. They built that.

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