Stop The Presses, House Republicans Ready To Govern Now!

After nearly four years of nothing, Republicans want everyone to know they're ready to govern for a week or so.

Hey everyone, hold onto your hats! After years of obstructionism, a government shutdown, scores of votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a refusal to even consider immigration reform and more, Republicans have declared themselves finally ready to govern.

House Republicans want to use their final week in Washington before the August recess to send a signal that they are ready to govern.

As the country’s attention turns to the fight for control of the House and Senate, Republicans want to show they are capable of handling two of the nation’s toughest issues: the thousands of children crossing the border, and the veterans in need of healthcare.

“This is a crisis situation. We need to show that we can respond in a crisis in a thoughtful way,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said of the effort to move a border bill.

Hot damn, a whole week of governing on issues they've flogged to death on national television and radio for their constituents.

Break out the champagne and toast the possibility they might put on a show this week of doing something about the problems in the nation right before they take more time off to go home and crow about how they actually did something in the past four years.

Keep in mind, this serious attempt at a week's worth of governing will come in the same week where they authorize Boehner to sue the President for enforcing a law they've voted to repeal over 50 times in the last four years.

Yay for the Suddenly Serious Ready-to-Govern Guys.

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