CO Gov. Candidate Running 'Unity Campaign' Rants About 47 Percent (Video)
Bob Beauprez is running on a proclamation of unity between conservatives and liberals. However, recently released video says something otherwise.
Mitt Romney's campaign in 2012 was so spectacularly successful that Republican Bob Beauprez is looking to repeat it. He's running on the old "Great Uniter" theme as if we haven't heard that one before, too. And like Mittens, he doesn't mean a word of it, which lays waste to his statewide Republican Unity Tour.
Is he trying to unite the states, or just Republicans? I think it's the latter.
Denver Post:
"I see something that frankly doesn't surprise me, having been on Ways and Means Committee: 47 percent of all Americans pay no federal income tax," Beauprez said in the video. "I'm guessing that most of you in this room are not in that 47 percent — God bless you — but what that tells me is that we've got almost half the population perfectly happy that somebody else is paying the bill, and most of that half is you all."
He indicated Democrats had reasons to keep it that way.
"I submit to you that there is a political strategy to get slightly over half and have a permanent ruling majority by keeping over half of the population dependent on the largesse of government that somebody else is paying for," Beauprez said.
Colorado Democratic Party Chairman Rick Palacio, who alerted The Denver Post to the clip on YouTube, said the comments fly in the face of Beauprez's "Unity Tour," which featured his running mate and former GOP primary opponents.
"If he's talking about unity, this is a funny way to show unity with Coloradans," Palacio said. "He must be talking about unity with other Republicans, because he didn't say anything about anybody else."
This is why they didn't want Tom Tancredo running. He might be a wingnut but he's a bad liar. At least you know Tancredo hates poor people and minorities right from the get-go. Beauprez is better at painting the unity veneer on while holding the same views. Or at least, he was.