Alleged New Audio Of Brown Shooting Surfaces

Why CNN asked Ben Shapiro to comment on it is beyond me.

First, we begin with a new audio recording which has not been authenticated yet. On it, you hear a man's voice talking and then a series of shots. A pause, and then more. According to the man's lawyer, there was 11 shots on the audio altogether, though I counted ten. Whether it's 10 or 11, there's no question that the cop unloaded his gun into Brown, assuming the recording is authentic.

I have to stress that it's not yet authenticated. It could just as easily have been fabricated as real, so take it for what it's worth until there is some verification of the timestamp or other means to verify its authenticity.

Here is their video and interview with the man's lawyer, who said he was on a Skype chat at the time. Since Skype chats are timestamped and can be verified by Skype independently, it's possible they will authenticate it before too long.

"CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of this tape. [We have] reached out to the FBI for confirmation of their interview with the Ferguson resident who says he made the recording."

That recording offers something new for people to chew on because Lord knows there's been a dearth of anything like official information emerging from the investigation, despite so-called Sunshine Laws.

As it happened, Ben Shapiro was standing by with Van Jones to comment. Van Jones, okay. Ben Shapiro, really?

A guy who writes a book about how liberals are bullies isn't exactly my idea of someone who will offer fair commentary. To his credit, he wasn't as obnoxious as he could have been, but he still danced around the question of why perceptions differ so much about guilt and innocence according to race.

According to Ben, whites are passing the Rohrschach test because they're withholding judgement. Unspoken: Unlike blacks who are rushing to judgement. On the question of whether black people have reason to be skeptical, he was far less forthright, but he did say they shouldn't have protested until they had facts.

Van Jones set that straight, but it was just mind-blowing to me that Ben Shapiro was their choice to comment on this. Breitbart News has been one of the top sites spreading the bogus stories about eye sockets and Josie. How is it that he can possibly talk about reserving judgment?

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