Allen West Plays 2016 Race And Gender Cards Early
Allen West is gearing up to be the Herman Cain of 2016 -- without the comic appeal.

Allen West is getting in front of that whole gender thing before it goes out of control in 2016! Beware, America, because if Hillary Clinton runs for President, it's really just a cynical ploy to legitimize her candidacy on the basis of gender. Never mind her stint as Secretary of State or her time in the Senate or her experience gained through eight years in the White House. I could go on, but you get the point.
He went on to accuse Democrats of only nominating people of color and women to run for office so they can then smear their detractors as bigots: “I think that’s why the left wants to run a female, be it a Hillary Clinton or an Elizabeth Warren, because if you don’t stand up for them then you’re a sexist and a misogynist, and then they’ll run Julián Castro as the first Hispanic president because then you’re a xenophobe, who knows, it just goes on ad nauseum ad infinitum.”
This is rich, coming from a black guy running for President from the right. No, Allen West, we are not a post-racial society, nor are we post-gender. Until women earn the same amount as men for the same positions and have the same control over their health as men, we're decidedly unequal, whether you like it or not.
Listen to the audio below: