Christian Right-Winger Aligns With ISIS, Says Obama Helping Devil-Worshipers

I'm not sure if there are enough ways to call Bryan Fischer insane, but his own words might suffice.

My thesaurus is wearing thin on adjectives to describe hate-filled pseudo-Christians like Bryan Fischer, but my aggravation is going full-tilt over the fact that he makes these statements on the taxpayers' dime.

Isn't there a time where we start to say that free speech is fine, but taxpayers are under no obligation to forego American Family Association's tax payments in the name of Jesus?

Right Wing Watch has the latest:

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer is outraged that the U.S. is intervening in Iraq to stop ISIS, who has been attacking Christians and other Muslims throughout the country.

Fischer believes that President Obama only intervened to stop the extermination of the Yazidis, who practice an ancient religion yet are considered by ISIS fighters and others to be “devil worshipers.” He began today’s edition of “Focal Point” by railing against Obama, saying the president only decided to launch airstrikes in Iraq in order to defend “devil worshipers.”

“They go after devil worshipers and all of the sudden the entire weight of the United States government is sent in there to relieve them and to avenge them,” he said. “Those are the Yazidis.”

Fischer added: “President Obama will fight for Satan worshipers but he will not fight for Christians.”

Read the rest here to find out why ISIS and Bryan Fischer consider Yazidis devil-worshipers. (Hint: Devil worship is in the eye of the beholder)

I'm sure Fischer's listeners leaned in during that little tirade and nodded knowingly to one another. See, they said, we knew it all the time. He's not a Muslim, he's just Satan!

Fischer can spew all he wants, but he should do it without taking money out of our pockets in order to do so. Revoke that tax exemption, I say.

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