Chuck Todd To Reince Priebus: Women Believe 'Too Many Crazy White Guys' In GOP

Chuck Todd forced RNC chairman Reince Priebus to confront a GOP study that says women believe the GOP is batsh*t crazy and loaded with too many crazy white guys.

Chuck Todd had RNC chairman Reince Priebus on The Daily Rundown, to discuss the new GOP study on “Republicans and Women Voters," that says women believe the GOP is intolerant,” “lacking in compassion” and “stuck in the past.” There's nothing wrong with those findings and it is horrible news for the GOP as you might expect, but not for Reince Priebus, who somehow said all the ladies need is a little better outreach and then tried to paint the findings as being just as bad for Dems.

"You know, I'm not sure," Priebus responded. "But I think the point of that poll wasn't reported by Politico. The point was if you looked at it, women were rejecting the Democratic party by 40 percent; they were rejecting the Republican party by 50 percent. I don't think either party can do a victory lap here."

He continued to say that Republicans just need to "fight" for the votes by countering Democratic attacks and pushing conservative economic policy ideas.

Todd pressed him on this.

"But the problem you seem to have is when it comes to women voters, do the -- do the arguments about contraception end up blind -- basically putting the party on mute with those same women voters who may like your economic proposals but say, you know what, there's just too many crazy white guys who have crazy theories about my reproductive system?" Todd asked, adding that Republicans have the same issue with Latino voters and immigration issues.

"That's two different issues," Priebus retorted.

"But same problem," Todd insisted.

Priebus then repeated that the report found that "the economy is the number one issue."

"In fact women actually don't really — don't really — aren't really moved on these issues as much as I think the pundits and everyone thinks they are moved. In fact if Republicans talk about things like the economy, the debt and make the case for jobs and schools and education and push back..." he said.

Todd then cut in to say, "Democrats are winning by 30 and 40 points on economic issues."

Chuck Todd did a good job of not letting him off the hook and pressed him to confront the actual findings in the studies. The GOP may do well in the midterms; not because voters love their ideas, but because of geographic reasons only.

The GOP has a really big problem with Latino voters as well since they are as xenophobic as can be under the tutelage of Cersei Lannister and Reince had trouble trying to deflect Todd's claims there as well.

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