Cop Who Pushed Don Lemon Around Suspended For Oathkeepers Rant

Officer Dan Page was relieved of duty for his rant against women, gays, minorities, and President Obama.

After Don Lemon got up this morning and saw his email and tweets, he called the St. Louis County Police Chief about Dan Page's hour-long rant at an Oathkeepers meeting. Lemon had a particular interest in this, since that's the same officer who shoved him like garbage on the street during the protests in Ferguson.

Mr. Page has now been relieved of duty and ordered into psychological counseling.

Good move on their part, but the larger question here is whether this is embedded in the culture of the police force in St. Louis and Ferguson.

I suspect the answer to that is yes. You don't have a 35-year veteran of the police force rant like that, have it posted online by multiple people for months, and not have a culture where at the very least, they look the other way or shrug when attitudes like that are expressed on the job. And that right there is the problem.

Update: CNN now has the full story posted here.

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