Democratic Judicial Candidate Has A White Supremacist Spouse

While I don't ordinarily hold candidates accountable for their spouse's views, this is inescapably bad.

Democratic Judicial Candidate Has A White Supremacist Spouse

This is awkward. Anna Zubkova is running for a judicial seat in Plainfield, Connecticut. Her husband is part of the "pro-white" movement, which is a thinly disguised white supremacist movement veiled by claims that they promote whiteness as opposed to hating people of color.


The Norwich Bulletin newspaper reported on Thursday that attorney Anna Zubkova, who is running for a seat as a probate judge, said she does not share the views of her husband, who runs a blog called "Mindweapons of Ragnarok" where he waxes about his views on race and white pride. The newspaper reported that the couple have been married for 17 years.

"He did not have those views when we married, but acquired them after," Zubkova told the paper. "What am I supposed to do? Divorce him? It’s not unusual for husbands and wives to have different views."

In response to being "outed" by the media, Zubkova's husband, Rob Freeman, wrote a post on Friday that welcomed visitors to his site.

"I am pro-white, because so much out there is anti-white," Freeman wrote. "I am defending that part of my identity that is being attacked. I am not attacking other races, I am defending my own, and I welcome all sincere allies — Black, Hispanic, Jewish, Asian, Muslim, Arab, Persian. If I missed anyone, chime in."

I paid a visit to Mindweapons in Ragnarok, and found it nearly unintelligible. It ranks right up there with the blogs of people who follow Alex Jones and see conspiracies behind every tree. But let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt for just a moment. Here is his "welcome post" to readers of the Norwich Bulletin, where he lets everyone know he just wants to have a conversation about race.

That’s just two quick examples. There are millions more. If you don’t see that white people are demonized by the mass media and the schools and colleges, you aren’t getting out in the world enough. Older people don’t see it, but younger people do.

Stormfront members tend to be young, at least according to self-reported birth dates. The most common age at which people join the site is 19. And four times more 19-year-olds sign up than 40-year-olds. Internet and social network users lean young, but not nearly that young.

Young people feel the pain of anti-whiteness, and that’s why they join Stormfront, a pro-white message board that has 290,000 members as of today, and according to the above article, has between 200,000 and 400,000 unique visitors a month. These are not bad people. They are hurting, they are attacked for being white, and they join Stormfront. Do you really believe they are all “evil” or their experiences are somehow not real or not valid?

I am pro-white, because so much out there is anti-white. I am defending that part of my identity that is being attacked. I am not attacking other races, I am defending my own, and I welcome all sincere allies — Black, Hispanic, Jewish, Asian, Muslim, Arab, Persian. If I missed anyone, chime in.

Um, what? That's just white supremacist bullshit right there. Poor victimized white folks need defenders, and this man is there to defend. His own.

And then it gets weirder:

If whites had a voice in the government, there might not have been an Iraq war. There might not have been all these horrible trade agreements that are impoverishing everyone. We might have more fuel efficient cars, or more mass transit. Who knows what might have been?

W.T.F.? Because all those minorities who join the military to get ahead surely wanted a war as a way to die before they had the chance to get ahead?

This man sounds like a Lyndon LaRouche devotee. LaRouchies self-identify as Democrats because Republicans booted them out and barred them years ago. Democrats weren't as savvy in that area, but they're just about as Democrat as a tea partyer holding a "Hands off my Medicare" sign.

Here's a glimpse into what this man is really about. He quoted Malkin's Twitchy as his source,  then lauded Donald Trump with this attaboy:

Donald Trump says the do-gooders who went for africa and caught Ebola should not be allowed back to the USA! Good for him! Fuck the liberal do-gooders.

Finally, this very twisted explanation of his vote for Obama in 2012:

When I told him that I voted for Obama in 2012 and told everyone, via my blog, to do so, he was shocked. It was totally counterintuitive to him. So I went on a stemwinder:

Worse is better! All those white people who aren’t on our side, need to suffer! They need to lose their jobs to Mexicans, they need to get knockout games, they need to not get into college because they are white, they need to be driven to desperation! Eric Holder is a black power black panther, and he makes it very clear that he views white people as deserving of punishment — the civil rights laws don’t apply to us, as he said. Good! I want middle class white people to feel the brunt of that good and hard! I have dealt with middle class liberal white people, the Disingenuous White Liberals as Paul Kersey calls them, back when I used to be very open about my views, I encountered middle class liberal white people who wanted to destroy my life so they could feel more righteous. Fuck those people, they are the worst!

Now that you've had a taste of Candidate Zubkova's spousal predilections, try on this excuse and see if you buy it:

"He did not have those views when we married, but acquired them after," Zubkova told the paper. "What am I supposed to do? Divorce him? It’s not unusual for husbands and wives to have different views."

These are not different views. These are radical, extreme right wing white supremacist views. One does not awaken one morning with the need to defend the white race. It is a learned response, reinforced through childhood and into adulthood.

She should be unelectable.

Originally posted on Breitbart Unmasked


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