Fox News Worries Labeling Michael Brown As 'Unarmed' Plays The Race Card

It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad how Fox News distorts the meaning of race relations in America.

You can always count on Fox News to bring a story down to its lowest common denominator of filth. Fox & Friends host Steve Doocey, produced a segment with the help of contributor Laura Chavez that contended since Michael Brown was six feet, four inches tall, you cannot count him as being unarmed, therefore if you did, then you'd be playing the race card that would enhance racial fears. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad how Fox News distorts the meaning of race relations in America. I thought being unarmed means being---unarmed.

Here's another story that Fox News decides the facts are irrelevant to the case.

A Fox News segment asked whether the "unarmed teen" description of Michael Brown is misleading and featured Fox contributor Linda Chavez arguing that such a description enhances racial fears and is an attempt to play the "race card."

On August 25, Chavez and Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy aired surveillance footage from the convenience store that Michael Brown allegedly robbed before his death, and used this to argue that describing Brown as an "unarmed teen" at the time of the shooting is misleading.

CHAVEZ: I think that what is happening is really not calming racial fears but is actually enhancing them by acting as if, you know, this mantra of the unarmed black teenager shot by a white cop. You know, that description in and of itself actually colors the way in which we look at this story. We're talking about an 18-year-old man who is six foot four and weighs almost three hundred pounds, who is videotaped just moments before the confrontation with a police officer strong arming an employee and robbing a convenience store.

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