Kerry Bentivolio Out In Michigan; Brownback And Kobach Squeak By In Kansas Primary

Michigan Republicans tossed their wingnut, but Kansas Republicans are holding onto theirs.

It's primary night again, with Kansas and Michigan Republicans deciding who they will run against Democrats.


John Conyers trounced primary opponent Sheffield after almost losing his right to appear on the ballot.

Mr. "Impeaching Obama would be a dream come true" Kerry Bentivolio has been defeated by US Chamber of Commerce-backed Dave Trott for Michigan's 10th district Congressional seat.

Bentivolio was the guy who fell into the 2012 election after Thad McCotter's meltdown. That district is reliably Republican, thanks to gerrymandering. Still, it appears Michiganders are tired of crazy people representing them, at least in that district.

Justin Amash, on the other hand, finished strong in MI-03.


Kansas, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. Sam Brownback and Kris Kobach both won their primaries, but not by the wide margins they expected.

In the race for the Senate, Pat Roberts prevailed over tea party darling Milton Wolf. That does not bode well for the Tennessee tea party challenge to Lamar Alexander by Joe Carr on Thursday.

Todd Tiahrt, Koch favorite, tried to get his old job back from Mike Pompeo, but no dice. Tiahrt was soundly defeated.

Tim Huelskamp, a particular 'favorite' of mine, is in danger of losing his primary. It's still too close to call.

I'll update with any other results I get.

Upcoming primaries include Tennessee, Hawaii, Connecticut, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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