KKK Fundraises For Cop Who Shot Michael Brown

Who ever said we lived in a post-racial society?

What took them so long? They're a little slow on the uptake this time around, but the group who claims they're not racist at all is raising money as a "reward" for the still-unnamed cop who shot Michael Brown.


The South Carolina-based New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan says its Missouri chapter is raising money for the still unidentified white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, 18, who was scheduled to begin college classes this week.

“We are setting up a reward/fund for the police officer who shot this thug,” the Klan group said in an email. “He is a hero! We need more white cops who are anti-Zog and willing to put Jewish controlled black thugs in their place. Most cops are cowards and do nothing while 90% of interracial crime is black (and non-white) on white.”


The social turmoil that has erupted around Brown’s death has proven too appealing for the Klan, which in recent weeks has been quick to capitalize on a series of racially charged news events. Last week, for example, a Klan chapter in Arizona called for “corpses” in response to a feared influx of children seeking asylum as violence in Latin America forced their families to send them northward. But about St. Louis, their rhetoric has turned vile and predictable.

“We know that Michael Brown was nothing more than a punk. The media and others are painting him out to be a ‘good son’ and ‘great kid.’ The blacks of Missouri are showing their love of him by rioting, attacking and shooting people. Nothing new,” the chapter wrote on its blog.

That last part isn't all too different from what they're posting on Ted Cruz' cowardly vanilla statement on his Facebook page.

This one appeared pretty close to the top of the page:

This appears to be a way of life with the black culture in America - they believe they have a right to destroy other person's property rather than living within the law - I was taught MANY years ago to respect a policeman (or woman) - they risk their lives everyday for us and should be respected and obeyed - you don't run from police

If I were going to rewrite that one, I'd say something like this:

This appears to be a way of life with the militarized police culture in America - they believe they have a right to suppress journalists, the truth, and tear-gas peaceful protesters with their hands in the air. I was taught MANY years ago to respect protest as an American right -- and to expect police to respect the Constitution just the same as I do.

I know, there's no point in arguing with people who actually believe that shooting an unarmed guy in the middle of the street with his hands in the air is fine just because of the color of his skin. But I do expect elected officials to be more careful about who they blame for the loss of civil liberties in Missouri. It doesn't take a Harvard law degree to see a group of people singing and dancing with their hands in the air and another group lobbing sound bombs and explosive tear gas cannisters at them to understand who was abridging others' civil rights.

I just finished reading three different first-hand accounts of Freedom Summer in Mississippi. Watching the police mayhem in Ferguson was not all that much different than what those people described. There's a nice pocket of hate just waiting to be excised there.

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