NBC's Turness Wants To Make Meet The Press Edgier

I'm sure we can come up with some do's and don'ts for her.

NBC's Turness Wants To Make Meet The Press Edgier

So NBC News president Deborah Turness wants an edgier Meet the Press? I'm all for that.

However, I'm not quite sure this is what I would call edgier:

As for “Meet the Press,” Ms. Turness said she worked with Mr. Gregory to try to make changes, but “we weren’t able to build a new vision together in the end.”

Her new vision for “Meet the Press” includes adding a regular panel of journalists who will question guests, something of a return to the venerable show’s original format. “The show needs more edge,” she said. “It needs to be consequential. I think the show had become a talking shop that raked over the cold embers of what had gone on the previous week. The one-on-one conversation belongs to a decade ago. We need more of a coffeehouse conversation.

If I were going with a coffeehouse conversation I think I'd suggest Chris Hayes for that spot on MTP, because he is quite good at the in-depth, harder-edged conversations. But it's Chuck.

Ed Kilgore suggests compiling a list of guests that should never be allowed to cross MtP's threshold again. His picks are Peggy Noonan, Bill Kristol, David Gergen, David Brooks and George Will. I'll add David Ignatius and Mike Allen.

What are your suggestions?

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