Rand Paul: Civilization Can't Endure That Doesn’t Respect The Rights Of The Unborn

Rand Paul's quest to suck up to the religious right came back in full force when he said that our civilization will collapse unless fetuses get personhood rights.

Rand Paul makes clear why libertarianism is a fraud. In a nutshell, libertarians are embarrassed conservatives that find a few issues to make themselves look unique compared to your normal, everyday theocratic conservatives.

Raw Story: Civilization will collapse unless fetuses get personhood rights

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared to return to his hardline stance on abortion in a recent interview, after suggesting in April that he had softened his position. Earlier this year, Paul upset his social conservative allies by saying he wouldn’t try to outlaw abortion if he became president.

But in an interview with the American Liberty Association, the potential 2016 presidential candidate said he believes human fetuses deserve personhood rights — a move that would completely outlaw abortion.

So-called “fetal personhood” legislation would outlaw abortion, and could lead to prohibitions on many forms of birth control, stem-cell research, and in-vitro fertilization, according to NARAL Pro-Choice America. “I think, and I often say in my speeches, that I don’t think a civilization can long endure that doesn’t respect the rights of the unborn,” Paul concluded.

This is sick on so many levels, but what he's obviously doing and what he has been doing for a very long, long time is trying to appeal to the hard liners of the religious right. The Rands want their personal freedoms guaranteed ad infinitum, but when it comes to the ladies? Hahahahahahaha!


And if the incubators don't like it they can always just give their children away after they've done their duty and birthed them --- like the brood mares they are. What's the big deal? They either close their legs or they go through childbirth and deal with the ramifications of their sin --- by carrying a pregnancy to term and making a lifetime commitment or give the child away and deal with that. Their "feelings" about all this are totally irrelevant. After all, they're just bundles of flesh designed by God to procreate and goddamn it, they're going to do it come hell or high water. As George W. Bush said with such wisdom: "who cares what they think?" The person inside the vessel must be respected. The vessel, not so much.

* BTW: Paul invokes the stupendously nonsensical lie that "seven pound babies" have no rights. That's the kind of propaganda that theocrats spread around to enact their agenda. But then the line between theocrats and libertarian Republicans is very, very faint. Why do you think they've bastardized the concept of "Religious Liberty" to mean the right to inflict your religion on others? It appeals to people who fashion themselves as libertarians but really only care about their taxes, guns and weed. Those are the non-negotiable items. Everything else is on offer.

I guess Rand also believes kids should be able to drink moonshine at two years old, snort a few lines of coke and top it off with a little wacky weed before a play date.


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